Sunday, January 6, 2008



Americans are individuals, perhaps more than any other country. Was Will Rogers a born again, Marilyn Monroe a friend, or Lucille Ball an archetype of her generation? Was Mark Twain just a writer, like the American SOL Astrologer, Galactician Peter Adams, who is a patriot and a rebel with a cause, too. But unlike these national institutions, there are those who go unseen by the populus, aware of events and relationships few would see in the profound moments that develop our psyche and future attention.

For example, can the recent snow storm in California be indirectly linked to a woman who traveled with Tuberculosis a month ago and has infected others first in San Francisco, where the plane landed and now the storm was centered along the coast. In addition, the national mortgage crisis would be in full effect, linked to a certain area in California that may have the highest incidence in the nation, all relative to those being evicted or under serious financial burden currently, such as a client requesting Aastrology answers. Now the snow comes to cover the Sierra's to block the roads east. Is it symbolic as the law of relativity in action? We feel sure Einstein would be intriqued.

Man is related to his environment, as all of us acknowledge we are physical beings. Many outwardly will say we also have a soul, or spirit, but it is generalized, quite naturally, and surely not aligned to the stars. Who would say we have sol signs or a destiny of soul? But we will say we have an America destiny that is aligned with freedom and something called the American Dream, which is all about security and opportunity. Yet this appears almost as illusive as the designation of Soul.


Even if he has a Soul consciousness, what of its relation to physical life? Certain individuals like Will and Marilyn and Mark were iconic individuals. But they suffered in their psyche's too. How can the American Sol Astrologer say he speak for many others and to a unified manifest destiny? Did Will Rogers seek notoriety on his own? It seems he only had the American mentality in his heart and one day he became in reality an Icon, but he had that long held feeling from the get go. If it was in the signs, we did'nt care.

There is so very much to report in American Sol that priority in thought manifests immediately to discuss only the most vital. But we want to be entertained, and that means specific but playful details, a character provided which has feelings like a Jackie Gleason or Lucy. Here though we seek neither icon nor devotion because the real purpose is not success, but natural patriotic concerns for the American welfare.

Paneagle feels the original motivations and events that went into the psyche of America are found in the very challenged Sol chart of the United States. That the galactician reports his unusual technique and is mostly a law unto himself, of the inventor psyche, is not unrelated to the original Americans. That a code of conduct was developed in the Constitution to follow our first Declaration, is also relative. We must see all our inventions and inventors lead America today, and as we follow, events unfold upon our environments, soul, physical or psyche.


Is Astrology something we need to become part of the American package? It already is, even if we deny or denigrate it. But it is just a tool, like electricity, not the cause, but clearly effecting. Americans seek the new and the unique, the special quality that makes us Americans. If Mark Twain had a computer, it is remarkable to think how much he would have written. The problem is, the galactician has discovered a niche of value in Sol Astrology, the Ameriginal, and other creative ideas, because they also exist. Now we look to see the future before it comes upon us. This is our assistance, to become the first nation truly aware of cause and effect, to be proactive before the after effect.

Are we in denial, or just in transformation? To the sky we soar, the universe we roam, the oceans we explore, and the microcosm unfolds its' nano secrets. There is a story here, our great story, unfolding like puzzle pieces, being examined because we need to. The relationship of man to the planet is real. But we are also Soul individuals. That this column is created in cyber space does not mean it is not real. In fact, this is the reality we are finding, how man and events and consciousness are all intertwined. It leads us to the road of soul freedom, and that is the purpose.

This is a call to signs, because that is preparation, but there is a lot more than just the Stars to consider. We must not be in denial. The pattern of the American Psyche determines our future. It is to see things as they are, and not deny. What choice shall we be?.

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