Sunday, January 13, 2008


Paneagle is the one Solastician, the American sol astrologer. But it must be noted this is but a vehicle to describe events and patterns of the nation, to assist our path and smooth our way. The following notes speak of our current American year. If we could change the future, we do so in the present, with our attitude and view. So here is a chance.

When one well known American dies, another comes to fill his space, like a comedian who becomes our own, taking the mantle for another lost to time. In each area we have certain channels, men who speak of values, and truths, in humor or with words, so we note the Tom Hanks, Mark Twain, or Forrest Gump, or Samuel Clemens, each as a monikor of something instilled in our psyche of the American climate. So it is time passes, things do change, but remain much the same.

Books were read. Stories told. Now movies do the telling more. People don't read when picture and sound tells more. But those who read do know more. So we get the blogspot and the This all provides us FYI or TMI. Will we read books on computer in the sun at the beach? It's not far off. Will we also see the unity we are with all life, and stop the polluting? These are the questions of war, famine, poverty, license to kill, and government abuse. All of them are inherent problems related to our original soul. That Soul is really alive and thriving beyond them is the miracle we must see, so we shall see the best we can be.

America has a destiny. It may be to find the freedom of Soul and its reality in each of us. American may like the body one day pass, but for now it is alive and real, and growing, and those of us who join the planting of seeds also find the joys of our soul. This is what has born the american pastime, the american dream, and the american dilemma. So it must be. Let us see what the year ahead shows.

Capricorn January has jupiter, warmer weather in winter, and business change as well as opportunity to adjust and expand.

Aquarius February has neptune, and our moon, something of the spiritual awakening and the sensitivity of the dreamer, inconsistent as it is, a value to inspire us to realization and service to the world and our people. It leads us ahead, even if illusions have also made it clear we are not all clear.

Pisces March is Uranus, changes of view, windy rain spring, weather and climate change apparent, while freedom speaks of religion and politics, it may be quite a bit more varied, while science discoveries continue to abound, healing is not so easily demonstrated. Universal acceptance is limited to our inner viewpoint, and eccentricity is naturally inventive, we may not understand the perceptions coming to us.

April is spring, our oppositions conspire, the aggression against our idealism, the nations may not transpose to see peace, nor the balanced need of business, the appeal of romance naturally, and desire which can be denied or complied. Not an unusually positive spring, we work our ambition and purposes with might or flight.
The winds may blow with or without rain, hopefully filling the drought areas more than less.

May is good to our Venus and Jupiter and we may find the wealth of the land, and some providence, although economics have suffered for many, and still will, if we are not as productive as we should be. Look for values American and in Americans.

June is judicious, the mars active speed and travelers everywhere, getting out of school, we sprightly go, and notice the odd cost of movement, the realization of ideals is often against human nature, and war distances and men sent to war will have to resist the temptation to bolt or bluster. We may find the resistance to change is the same impelling force to make change. What a web is woven.
Late June is always a most opportune time.

July is our venus and jupiter and sun all in cancer, the well spring of our breadbasket but transformations abound as we must see the future of sustenance, and appeal to nurture the land and people, if we do without business execution and purpose, we fail, and this construct of plutonian dynamic is the realization of our relationship to the earth, our soil, our marketing, and our environment. This future
is the revelation of the past come to haunt or heal us, as we may see truth and the best rights of all.

August is ahead with the other 5 months to come. Well we should see them. People of the world and man, American Sol, we have a destiny to know.

We need to notice Pluto will reach opposite the venus and jupiter of the USA in the coming two years, and large scale financial adjustment and transformation is in the works, use of resources, earth awareness and environmental developments. Pluto will oppose the USA sun within 7 years, and this long term cycle bringing change must be addressed this year as Jupiter affords us excellent opportunity. It could prove effective and highly responsible within 6 years for our country, or cause major consequences if avoided. It must be addressed in the new governmental adminstration right from the start.

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